a little light, a little peace

This is dedicated to my family, friends, and homies in the slam.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Childhood Obesity

We have an epidemic here in the US according to many people. It is that of childhood obesity. Lots of reports say that it is on the rise and it is. There is a scary process going around right now, according to new data gathered that parents think there obese children are at a normal weight. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22391071/

This is frightening in more ways then one. Parents are the ones who are saying this, parents are the ones buying their kids unhealthy food, parents are the ones buying video games. However, they are not totally to blame, the kids themselves should be faulted for not getting up and playing outside. There is plenty of blame to go around for this epidemic and people are just unwilling to actually say what might be the cause. In being too politically correct, we lose sight of the ability to change what needs to be changed. Instead of playing the blame game, people need to say, okay I contributed to this for my child how do I change, how do I change what he does, how do I change what others do to him.

It is possible to change. First it starts at home, buy healthier foods. No more processed junk as good as those rice krispie treats and candy bars are (don't worry I love them too). I say take away the video games or enforce a limit. I had this limit placed on me when I was little too, playing that ancient N64, and I hated it; but it was good for me anyway.

Next I say go after the schools. Get them to get rid of vending machines. My university doesn't sell gum because the president doesn't want gum on the sidewalks. You learn to do without. Also, there needs to be healthier foods at the cafeteria, so people can't just buy french fries. I am glad they got rid of soda in the cafeteria in my high school. It forces you to drink something else.

There are many more things to be done, and I will let you think of more. But don't think I want a world of supermodels and bodybuilders. That would be horrible. I want healthy people. Mentally and physically, when you don't accept a problem you can't even begin to think of a successful treatment. Let's start seriously talking about it; it's happening so why not act. Many many many band aids will not heal a wound that needs to be stitched.

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