a little light, a little peace

This is dedicated to my family, friends, and homies in the slam.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

blog and online serial update


be sure to check my review of J.C. Hutchins novel seventh son on another post.

I have jumped into Jack Palms 2: This is Life, the sequel to Jack Palms: Jack Wakes Up. So far I am liking it better than the previous, unusual for almost any sequel. I am listening to the podcast rather than reading the pdf, so that has something to do with it. We’ll see how it goes. Check it out at Seth Harwood’s website.

Unable to finish Infection! (for right now). Boo, I deleted one of the episodes on my iTunes and have been unable to figure out how to get it back, just need to do some poking around on his website I think. Also a great novel! With all the bug bites I get here in Cairo, I keep wondering if some of it is the Infection. http://www.scottsigler.com/

Picked up some new reading material as well, well turned on my computer. Blood Moon: Vampire Chronicles by Belial. It is a new novel about, uh, vampires. The mythos in this story is incredibly detailed and the same goes for the character descriptions. The story moves and feels like one of those old detective novels except quite supernatural. Check it out at her Blogger account and review it at Pages Unbound.

Also, sad news. The Harvest Cycle by David Dunwoody has been postponed due to personal matters. I hope that everything is okay with the author and he is able to start posting soon because this novel rocks. It is an apocalyptic trippy sort of novel as humans struggle to survive weird disturbing monsters, harvesting the dreams of humans while also trying to survive genocide by teams of bots. Pretty intense and as I heard it described once, very ­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lovecraftian.

lastly I would be super excited if you check out my new title artwork at Sunset. If you want to give me any artwork, I will create a page for it. Also if you want to review it, you can! at pages unbound.

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