a little light, a little peace

This is dedicated to my family, friends, and homies in the slam.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


My new thing is podcasts. I love ‘em and listen to them everyday just before I go to bed. I did sell my soul and download iTunes, but it was worth it. With iTunes I am able to get these wonderful broadcasts.

My exploration of podcasts began with searching out Firefly related material, as has a lot of my new endeavors. (Serial novels also began with reading Firefly fanfic and then moved on to David Wellington) All of what I listen to is novels or short stories. I don’t really go for the talk shows.

Some of the Firefly podcasts that I can speak to are Tales from the Verse and Severance. Tales from the Verse is a podcast which posts fan submitted stories about once a month. Most of them have been pretty entertaining and satisfy my fix for Firefly. The other one was Severance by Andy Evans. It is a completed podcast novel about the activities on this moon called Severance in the Firefly universe. It is an okay story, the plot is a little slow but the story got interesting in the last chapters.

I have also gone crazy and downloaded some other podcasts including stories read by Cory Doctorow which promise to be interesting based on the other stuff of his that I have read (Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and Eastern Standard Tribe) as well as my first exploration with Scott Sigler. I have just started Sigler’s podiobook called Earthcore and it has got me hooked. When I listen to a podcast the plot needs to be good (obviously) but the reader/narrator, whether it is the author or not, needs to read smoothly and have a good voice. Sigler has all of this. I urge you to check it out as he has many other books in podcast form including Rookie, Nocturnal, and Infected. If you want more science fiction check out clonepod. I think it is just various short science fiction stories. Haven’t heard any myself, so I can’t vouch for it yet.

If I were ever to have a podcast for something, I would get either Jason Statham or my brother to read it. I think they have good voices.


Anonymous said...

Would that be this brother? If so, I'll fight Jason Statham.

tim the younger said...

peter-you would be that brother. i need accents.