a little light, a little peace

This is dedicated to my family, friends, and homies in the slam.

Friday, May 23, 2008

bloggeration-details of a journey

big inhale

I've decided to stay in Cairo for another two months.

This is a huge decision for me, and almost a complete about face for me from two weeks before. I was laying in bed one night and started thinking about everything Cairo. I thought maybe I could stay for a little longer. Then began the discussion with the necessary people; I dropped a couple of bombs, my brother having the best reaction (that I saw) when I told him while he was here. It means two more months away from home and the wonderful goodness that is there, but there will some great things going on here.

Mostly I will be hanging out practicing Arabic, hopefully playing backgammon, drinking tea, and trying not to die of heat stroke. With no class I should really be able to focus on Arabic and writing for Sunset. This will put my grand total away from home at six months and after that I will live in my country for a good long while.

I hope to really pick up the blog during the summer hopefully posting everyday. For those of you who read, thanks, and if you know anyone who would like to hear about Egypt send them my way. This has been my very public way of keeping a journal and letting you know how I am doing. I have noticed that it started out describing my adventures in Egypt, then as I got used to everything, the topics started to stray. I don't know which direction it will go in the summer, but it will go. Hopefully some humor will be involved.

Anyway because I will be here another two months, maybe with not all that much to do, you are welcome to come visit. It will just be really hot here...

1 comment:

Let Me Remember said...

glad i found your blog tim.
